Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Movie Review: The King's Speech

When this movie first came out, I heard people saying that this movie was more on monologues and could be boring.  In fact, Kurt even refused to watch it with me that I had to watch this movie on my own.  But I really enjoyed it.

I could understand why the movie received numerous nominations and awards.  It was brilliant.  It was based on the story of King George VI, father of Queen Elizabeth II.  It was inspirational because who would ever imagine a King having a speech difficulty.  It showed that the King is also a man with obstacles to overcome.  

I could relate to the movie well.  Sometimes, I refused to believe that I had have a weak point.  But unless we accept and have the motivation to change ourselves, then we will be stuck in that pitiful state.  Often, we also tend to mistrust others.  But I'd like to believe that there are many out there who are willing to help. Although I don't stammer, I also have a difficulty in speaking and sometimes it frustrates me.  But now, I've accepted that I'm the one with the problem and I'm calmly trying to practice really hard and listen to others advise to improve it.  This may seem weird but this blog is actually one of my ways of communication.

I also can't believe that a man like King Edward VIII would give up the throne just for the woman he loves.  According to history, he stated "I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as king as I would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love."  But perhaps times have changed.  As indicated by the rising divorce rates, people would often settle for what is practical being already  bombarded by the hardships of life.  In fact, I know of many individuals who would rather be single than face the headaches of marriage.  What do you think? Is there still a love worth fighting for?

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