Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

My Dilemna Over Cameras: Nikon P7000 v. Panasonic LX5 v. Panasonic FZ40

Don't get me wrong I love the compactness of our Sony DSC-W310. But sometimes, its too dark and this camera can't capture a thing or if events happen so fast we totally miss out on it.  So I'm thinking about upgrading our camera. 
Given my budget as a full-time unemployed student and my lack of expertise in photography, I've narrowed down my choices to three cool models:
  • Nikon P7000 

  • Panasonic FZ40

  • Panasonic LX5

Panasonic LX5

Most of my fellow bloggers are suggesting the Panasonic LX5 but I'm worried that the I'd lack the zooming power.  What do you guys think?  From my previous posts and photos do you think I need to upgrade at all or not.  If yes, which one do you think is more apt for my needs?  I've been thinking about this for weeks now and the last thing I'd want is to regret over such an important purchase.

Update: There are rumors that Nikon will release P7100 this August and Canon will release its powershot S100 this August so I think I better wait and see if the improvement is significant or maybe see if there will be price adjustments.

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