Fraction, with vocalist Jim Beach bearing an uncanny vocal resemblance to Jim Morrision (although he was singing on Sunset Strip long before Morrison took to the stage), were often compared favourably with the Doors, although their quasi-religious message would probably not have found favour with the recently-departed Morrison.
Indeed, this rather fine album was once famously described as the album the Doors probably wished they had made!
Underpinned by guitarist Don Swanson's superb Ritchie Blackmorestyle guitar work, this is an album full of beautiful psychedelia, acid and hard rock, at once emblematic of the era but not dated by its association.
The five original compositions are all of the highest quality and the contribution of Beach's Morrison-esque vocals place a stamp of originality on the recording that endures from beginning to end (by systems records).
OldrockerBR review in Portuguese language:
Esta banda de Los Angeles tem uma identidade sonora muito própria e marcante. Soa como uma mistura de "The Doors" com a intensidade de um "MC5" e "The Stooges", adicionado a um pouco de Krautrock no estilo "Night Sun ou "Hairy Chapter".
O vocalista Jim Beach é uma espécie de Jim Morrison Cristão, tendo concebido todo projeto do disco que aborda questões existenciais, guerra do Vietnã, assassinatos, protestos e a relação de uma pessoa com fé em Deus com tudo isto.
O vocal "sujo e rasgado" de Jim Beach combina perfeitamente com a potente guitarra fuzzy de Don Swanson tanto nas passagens pesadas quanto nas mais arranjadas.
É extremamente difícil, fazer comentários sobre cada um das faixas deste disco. O melhor mesmo, é você ouvir e chegar às suas próprias conclusões...
A gravadora Radioactive relançou este CD com outra capa em 2004. A qualidade sonora não mudou praticamente nada quando comparada a esta edição.

Eye of the Hurricane:
Track List:
01.Sanc-Divided - 3.52
02.Come Out Of Her - 4.57
03.Eye Of The Hurricane - 8.55
04.Sons Come To Birth 5.26
05.This Bird - 4.38
06.Sky High - 3.24
*Jim Beach: Lead Vocals
*Don Swanson: Lead Guitar
*Curt Swanson: Percusion
*Victor Hemme: Bass Guitar
*Robert Meinel: Rhythm Guitar
[ Rip and scans by OldrockerBR ]
Previous posted at PHROCK in Friday, July 25, 2008
CODE: 53013
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