Minggu, 11 September 2011

I Love My Space Glow in the Dark Wall Candy!

A month ago, I received an email from Val to review their product called "Wall Candy".   They're actually wall stickers that are unique, easy to apply, removable and reusable.  Browsing through their site, I got a lot of ideas about the product and how useful it could be.  
wall candy
For one, I 've noticed relatives often redecorate their child's room.  Wall Candy is a cheaper and more convenient alternative to being up-to-date with a child's preference in terms of decor because Wall Candy it is removable and it offers a lot of choices from nursery to kids. (p.s. The new "Pirates" design is so adorable!)

Personally, I've been staring at my wall paper for more than 10 years.  I'm want change! But seeking outside help seems too inconvenient for our busy household.  Let's see if Wall Candy is the perfect solution...
wall candy
Among all the tempting designs, I chose Space from their Glow in the Dark collection for two reasons:
  1. I've loved Glow in the Dark since I was young.
  2. My ceiling has space Glow in the Dark objects so its a perfect match.
wall candy
wall candy
texture is rough perhaps for the thickness
When I got the item, I was surprised that it was bigger than expected. Honestly, for the price, I was speculating it to be smaller  because we used to buy Iphone decals at the same price.

wall candy
Package contents and instructions
We followed most of the instructions:
  1. Prep well - Check!
  2. Plan your design - We couldn't do this.  It was tougher than it looks so we proceeded with the next step.
  3. Get your sticker on - Check!  But... we had to do several readjustments because we didn't have a plan beforehand.  Despite that, we didn't have any difficulty because the stickers were easy to remove and it was so thick that it didn't fold or tear.
  4. Sit back and enjoy the new look! - Check!  (see images below)
wall candy
Our very own space design
Now, let's turn off the lights...
wall candy
My Space Glow in the Dark Wall Candy!=) 
It  perfectly matches my ceiling.  Awesome!
wall candy
My ceiling
Overall, I'm so delighted with Wall Candy!   It''s easy and fun to use.  More importantly, it is convenient and affordable.  Check them out at http://wallcandy.multiply.com/  Wall Candy is perfect for both kids and adults.  I'd actually advise that children should be allowed to help in designing their own room decor.   It is the perfect bonding activity, an opportunity to exercise their creativity and it will make them feel more comfortable with their room.  Happy decorating!=)

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