Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

NINJA SAGA CHEAT: Get 8 Magatama with .Swf

NINJA SAGA CHEAT: Get 8 Magatama with .Swf


-Fiddler (Just searh in this blog)
-SWF File (Download on link below)


-Download Fiddler
-Install Fiddler
-Run Fiddler
-Click on "xAutoResponder Tab"
-Gice check on "Enable automatic responses" and "Permit passthrough for unmatched request"
-Drag and move file ".SWF" you've download into AutoResponder
-go to Ninja Saga
-Clear browser cache
-Choose character

How to Use :

You can just go to "Recruit Friend", and select "Start Auto Pilot", then click BUY! Later. swf will work by itself and wait for the process to complete. If you want to get 8 Magatama,at least you char should be lvl 60. And Magatama you'll get is randomed. This cheat works by defeating Boss who is on house hunting.

Download Cheat (.swf file)

Download Now

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