Bulan lalu Internet Download Manager sudah mengeluarkan idm 6.05 dan saya pun telah menshare idm 6.05 dengan cracknya. Sekarang setelah idm update kembali dengan versi idm 6.05 build 12 saya akan memberikan nya kembali pada anda semuanya, tetapi ini disertai dengan idm 6.05 build 12 patch. IDM terbaru versi ini memiliki perbaikan yang lebih baik dibandingan versi sebelumnya, mengupdate bagian-bagian bugs yang ada pada idm versi kemaren.
What’s new in version 6.05 build 12?
•Fixed “Download all links with IDM” menu crashing IE 9
•Fixed critical bug in IE integration module
•Improved audio and video recognition for several sites
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat bagi kalian semua yang membacanya, untuk download IDM 6.05 build 12 silahkan klik disini dan untuk download patch IDM 6.05 build 12 silahkan klik disini. Patch atau crack IDM tidak hanya untuk versi 6.05 saja, melainkan untuk versi 6.00 keatas, alias 6.xx. Jadi buat sobat yang masih suka dengan IDM lama, bisa juga menggunakan Patch di versi kemaren dan bisa anda lihat di artikel saya versi idm kemaren bisa anda lihat di idm 6.05 crack
Rabu, 30 Maret 2011
Selasa, 29 Maret 2011
Cafe World Money and unlocked Recipe Hack and Cheat
Today, i will share the way to earn money faster in cafe world facebook game, by : unlocked the recipe cooking hack. We all know that in cafe world, the recipe locked by our level, so now we share about how to unlocked that recipe.
The things you need:
1. Mozila Firefox/Google Chrome
2. Cheat engine 5.5+ (Download @ www.cheatengine.org if you dont have one)
Link For Video http://www.youtube.com/
The things you need:
1. Mozila Firefox/Google Chrome
2. Cheat engine 5.5+ (Download @ www.cheatengine.org if you dont have one)
Link For Video http://www.youtube.com/
Free Download Ccleaner Terbaru 2011
Kali ini saya akan share tantang Free Download Ccleaner Terbaru 2011 yang merupakan software atau program untuk membersihkan komputer, laptop ataupun software-software yang sudah menempel atau terinstal di komputer anda. Ccleaner Terbaru ini merupakan versi CCleaner 3.05.1408 terbaru 2011.
CCleaner adalah software yang paling banyak dipakai untuk membersihkan PC Windows, selain karena ukurannya yang terbilang kecil juga bersifat freeware alias gratis. Ccleaner Melindungi privasi online dan membuat komputer anda lebih cepat dan lebih aman.h
CCleaner mempunyai interface yang sederhana, Mudah digunakan dan cepat. Dengan Ccleaner terbaru ini yang diperlukan adalah memilih opsi klik pada beberapa tombol pilihan yang bisa anda tentukan sendiri dan biarkan Ccleaner melakukan optimasi pada windows anda.
Cleans all areas of your Computer :
*Internet Explorer : Temporary files, history, cookies, Autocomplete form history, index.dat.
*Mozilla Firefox : Temporary files, history, cookies, download history, form history.
*Google Chrome : Temporary files, history, cookies, download history, form history.
*Opera : Temporary files, history, cookies.
*Safari : Temporary files, history, cookies, form history.
*Windows : Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files.
*Registry Cleaner : Advanced features to remove unused and old registry entries.
Semoga Ccleaner Terbaru ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kalian semua yang lagi mencarinya, Bagi yang mau download Ccleaner Terbaru silahkan klik disini tentunya dengan versi yang terbaru. Selamat mendownload dan selamat mencoba software gratis/free, tetapi dengan kinerja yang begitu sempurna.
CCleaner adalah software yang paling banyak dipakai untuk membersihkan PC Windows, selain karena ukurannya yang terbilang kecil juga bersifat freeware alias gratis. Ccleaner Melindungi privasi online dan membuat komputer anda lebih cepat dan lebih aman.h
CCleaner mempunyai interface yang sederhana, Mudah digunakan dan cepat. Dengan Ccleaner terbaru ini yang diperlukan adalah memilih opsi klik pada beberapa tombol pilihan yang bisa anda tentukan sendiri dan biarkan Ccleaner melakukan optimasi pada windows anda.
Cleans all areas of your Computer :
*Internet Explorer : Temporary files, history, cookies, Autocomplete form history, index.dat.
*Mozilla Firefox : Temporary files, history, cookies, download history, form history.
*Google Chrome : Temporary files, history, cookies, download history, form history.
*Opera : Temporary files, history, cookies.
*Safari : Temporary files, history, cookies, form history.
*Windows : Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files.
*Registry Cleaner : Advanced features to remove unused and old registry entries.
Semoga Ccleaner Terbaru ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kalian semua yang lagi mencarinya, Bagi yang mau download Ccleaner Terbaru silahkan klik disini tentunya dengan versi yang terbaru. Selamat mendownload dan selamat mencoba software gratis/free, tetapi dengan kinerja yang begitu sempurna.
Minggu, 27 Maret 2011
Ninja Saga Level Hack and Cheat
Ninja saga cheat and hack now release : Ninja Saga Level Hack...
All you need :
-Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to open your ninja saga facebook game
-Cheat Engine 5.5+ (download it @ www.cheatengine.org)
Just play the video...all the guide is there....(in the case video not shown,the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W97csp2qe1c )
Special thanks to : DarthLord449 @ youtube
All you need :
-Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to open your ninja saga facebook game
-Cheat Engine 5.5+ (download it @ www.cheatengine.org)
Just play the video...all the guide is there....(in the case video not shown,the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W97csp2qe1c )
Special thanks to : DarthLord449 @ youtube
Ninja Saga Weapon and Token Hack
The New Hack and Cheat for Ninja Saga Facebook Game, this hack allow people to buy weapon without token. this hack found in 2011, i want to share this hack..
You need :
1. Mozila Firefox / Google Chrome latest version
2. Cheat Engine 5.6 (Download at www.cheatengine.org)
Step by Step :
1. Open Your Ninja Saga Facebook Game
2. Run Your Cheat Engine
3. Buy Kunai (weapon level 1) at the market
You need :
1. Mozila Firefox / Google Chrome latest version
2. Cheat Engine 5.6 (Download at www.cheatengine.org)
Step by Step :
1. Open Your Ninja Saga Facebook Game
2. Run Your Cheat Engine
3. Buy Kunai (weapon level 1) at the market
Cara Hack Facebook Terbaru 2011 | Facebook Freezer 2011
Cara Hack Facebook Terbaru 2011 | Facebook Freezer ini merupakan cara hack facebook terbaru yang bisa anda coba, memang cara dengan freezer ini sudah dari dahulu kala ada, tetapi dengan fitur yang terbaru di tahun 2011 ini bisa anda rasakan dan bisa anda coba sendiri apa perbedaan dari software terbaru ini. Semoga saja bisa digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya cuma buat iseng doank ok.
Cara hack facebook dengan membekukan account pengguna Facebook lainnya, untuk melakukannya di perlukan sebuah software. Setelah anda download dan aktifkan software tersebutkan tinggal menulis email dari member Facebook yang ingin anda hack atau tepatnya bekukan.
Maka orang tersebut tidak akan dapat login ke account mereka selama anda inginkan, tentu hal tersebut akan membuat orang yang bersangkutan tidak tahu bahwa sebenarnya account miliknya di kerjai Ini contoh software hack Facebook yang paling banyak di gunakan, cukup memasukan email orang yang ingin anda kerjai, kemudian klik Freeze maka ia tidak akan dapat login walaupun passwordnya benar
Langkah menggunakan facebook freezer
1. ketikkan email target pada Form eMail (harus diketahui dulu email FB target)
2. Klik Frezee
3. Tunggu sampai proses selesai 100%
4. Efeknya account yang di Frezee tidak akan bisa login, jika anda suah merasa "puas" dan ingin membebaskan target silakan klik "stop freezer"
Semoga saja cara lama yang tentang cara hack facebook yang dibikin baru ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kalian semuanya dan ingat software ini hanya untuk menjaili atau sekedang iseng terhadap teman-teman kalian saja dan jangan sekali kali untujk mencuri password facebook orang lain, itu privasi orang ok. Bagi yang mau download software hack facebook freezer terbaru 2011 silahkan klik disini.
Cara hack facebook dengan membekukan account pengguna Facebook lainnya, untuk melakukannya di perlukan sebuah software. Setelah anda download dan aktifkan software tersebutkan tinggal menulis email dari member Facebook yang ingin anda hack atau tepatnya bekukan.
Maka orang tersebut tidak akan dapat login ke account mereka selama anda inginkan, tentu hal tersebut akan membuat orang yang bersangkutan tidak tahu bahwa sebenarnya account miliknya di kerjai Ini contoh software hack Facebook yang paling banyak di gunakan, cukup memasukan email orang yang ingin anda kerjai, kemudian klik Freeze maka ia tidak akan dapat login walaupun passwordnya benar
Langkah menggunakan facebook freezer
1. ketikkan email target pada Form eMail (harus diketahui dulu email FB target)
2. Klik Frezee
3. Tunggu sampai proses selesai 100%
4. Efeknya account yang di Frezee tidak akan bisa login, jika anda suah merasa "puas" dan ingin membebaskan target silakan klik "stop freezer"
Semoga saja cara lama yang tentang cara hack facebook yang dibikin baru ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kalian semuanya dan ingat software ini hanya untuk menjaili atau sekedang iseng terhadap teman-teman kalian saja dan jangan sekali kali untujk mencuri password facebook orang lain, itu privasi orang ok. Bagi yang mau download software hack facebook freezer terbaru 2011 silahkan klik disini.
Jumat, 25 Maret 2011
KIS 2011 | Key Kaspersky 2011
Kaspersky Antivirus 2011 adalah salah satu Antivirus terbaik saat ini. Hampir semua Virus, Trojan, Worm, Malscript, dan sebagainya mampu di atasi dengan baik dan sempurna. Virus lokal Indonesia pun bisa di gampar dengan baik oleh antivirus terbaru 2011 ini. Kis 2011 ini memiliki fitur-fitur yang baik bagi tenjaminnya komputer anda dari virus-virus baru, jadi tunggu apalagi? Mulailah mencoba menggunakan antivirus kaspersky terbaru 2011.
* Anda harus men - download KIS 2011 Atau Key Kaspersky 2011 dan Instal
* Hapus kode percobaan dan ikuti instruksi ini:
***Petunjuk Key KIS 2011
Jika retak "fltlib.dll" dihapus oleh Kaspersky setelah "beberapa update atau reboot" maka lakukan hal berikut;
1). Matikan koneksi internet.
2). Nonaktifkan Kaspersky
3). Matikan program Kaspersky (Kaspersky Keluar dari tray bar);
4). Copy crack file "fltlib.dll" dan "fltlib.ini" untuk prog dir, yaitu "C: \ Program Files \ Kaspersky Lab \ Kaspersky PURE \", dan menimpa yang lama jika ada salah satu dari mereka di sana.
5). Restart ke Safemode (F8 saat boot), dan lakukan hal berikut:
a). Arahkan ke direktori program "C: \ Program Files \ Kaspersky Lab \ Kaspersky PURE \"
b). Klik kanan file "fltlib.dll", kemudian pergi ke "properties", dan dalam "keamanan" tab Check "menyangkal" kotak terhadap izin "menulis" untuk setiap nama user muncul di jendela properti, seperti yang Anda lihat dalam "Gambar 1 ", kemudian, berlaku - OK> (Atau tekan Enter)
c). Restart.
6). Aktifkan Kaspersky menggunakan file kunci (filename.key):
a). Pilih 'Aktifkan versi komersial'
b). Masukkan kode aktivasi: 11111-11111-11111-1111X? klik Next
7). Aktivasi kesalahan (jangan khawatir, itu adalah normal)? klik OK
8). Browse dan pilih file kunci (filename.key)? klik Next
9). Aktivasi selesai dengan sukses? klik Finish
10). Buka Kaspersky dan memeriksa validitas lisensi? Lisensi harus 9131 hari tersisa atau berlaku selama 25 tahun!
11). Aktifkan koneksi internet
12). DONE! Sekarang Anda dapat memperbarui.
Semoga artikel KIS 2011 | Key Kaspersky 2011 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan-agan semua yang lagi mencarinya, jangan lupa juga selalu gunakan antivirus lokal seperti smadav, artav dan antivirus lokal lainnya yang tidak kalah dengan antivirus luar lainnya. Bagi yang mau download kis 2011 | key kaspersky 2011 silahkan klik disini semoga bermanfaat.
* Anda harus men - download KIS 2011 Atau Key Kaspersky 2011 dan Instal
* Hapus kode percobaan dan ikuti instruksi ini:
***Petunjuk Key KIS 2011
Jika retak "fltlib.dll" dihapus oleh Kaspersky setelah "beberapa update atau reboot" maka lakukan hal berikut;
1). Matikan koneksi internet.
2). Nonaktifkan Kaspersky
3). Matikan program Kaspersky (Kaspersky Keluar dari tray bar);
4). Copy crack file "fltlib.dll" dan "fltlib.ini" untuk prog dir, yaitu "C: \ Program Files \ Kaspersky Lab \ Kaspersky PURE \", dan menimpa yang lama jika ada salah satu dari mereka di sana.
5). Restart ke Safemode (F8 saat boot), dan lakukan hal berikut:
a). Arahkan ke direktori program "C: \ Program Files \ Kaspersky Lab \ Kaspersky PURE \"
b). Klik kanan file "fltlib.dll", kemudian pergi ke "properties", dan dalam "keamanan" tab Check "menyangkal" kotak terhadap izin "menulis" untuk setiap nama user muncul di jendela properti, seperti yang Anda lihat dalam "Gambar 1 ", kemudian, berlaku - OK> (Atau tekan Enter)
c). Restart.
6). Aktifkan Kaspersky menggunakan file kunci (filename.key):
a). Pilih 'Aktifkan versi komersial'
b). Masukkan kode aktivasi: 11111-11111-11111-1111X? klik Next
7). Aktivasi kesalahan (jangan khawatir, itu adalah normal)? klik OK
8). Browse dan pilih file kunci (filename.key)? klik Next
9). Aktivasi selesai dengan sukses? klik Finish
10). Buka Kaspersky dan memeriksa validitas lisensi? Lisensi harus 9131 hari tersisa atau berlaku selama 25 tahun!
11). Aktifkan koneksi internet
12). DONE! Sekarang Anda dapat memperbarui.
Semoga artikel KIS 2011 | Key Kaspersky 2011 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan-agan semua yang lagi mencarinya, jangan lupa juga selalu gunakan antivirus lokal seperti smadav, artav dan antivirus lokal lainnya yang tidak kalah dengan antivirus luar lainnya. Bagi yang mau download kis 2011 | key kaspersky 2011 silahkan klik disini semoga bermanfaat.
Mighty Pirates Batlle Stamina And Energy Hack and Cheat
Need More Energy and Stamina for your Mighty Pirates Game ?
What you need to apply this cheat?
1. Cheat Engine (if you don't have one, go to www.cheatengine.org and download one)
2. Firefox / Chrome
Step by Step :
1. Open your mighty pirates facebook game
2. See how many the stamina/energy left
3. Open the cheat engine and select Firefox/Chrome (whatever you use to open mighty pirates)
Pet Society Level Hack 2011
Here Level Hack / Paw Hack / Paw Maker in Pet Society
a. Flash Player 10.1 Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/451748251/install_flash_player.exe
b.Cheat Engine (if you don't have one, go to www.cheatengine.org and download one)
c. Firefox 3.00+
Step by step :
1.Open the game and play with the ball 3 times
2.Open this link: http://patiniox.blogspot.com/
3.Go down and you will find
a. Flash Player 10.1 Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/451748251/install_flash_player.exe
b.Cheat Engine (if you don't have one, go to www.cheatengine.org and download one)
c. Firefox 3.00+
Step by step :
1.Open the game and play with the ball 3 times
2.Open this link: http://patiniox.blogspot.com/
3.Go down and you will find
Rabu, 23 Maret 2011
Mortal Kombat preview
It has been a few years since I've punched the head clean off the shoulders of one of my rivals. Far too long, if you ask me. Though I've been known to throw a punch or two in my day, what I'm of course referring to is the new Mortal Kombat, from the newly-formed NetherRealm Studios at Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.
As I gleefully noted in my last preview of the game, the upcoming Mortal Kombat reboot is an ultra-violent affair, worthy of succeeding the franchise's previous generation titles. Gone is the tame combat found in the crossover Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, replaced with the blood-soaked throes of passion found in the the franchise's past. On a violence level, this is the Mortal Kombat we've been waiting for.
My recent time with the game focused on some of the bells and whistles included in the package. Beyond the game's standard arcade and online components--which I delved into during my previous write-up--there are a number of other additions to flesh out the game.
Included in Mortal Kombat is a Training Mode, which gives players a chance to learn specific special moves and combos for their favorite combatants as well as a Practice Mode, allowing players the opportunity to freely test out their acquired knowledge against an A.I. rival. Like in other recent fighters, these modes serve as an entry point for new players looking to learn how Mortal Kombat controls, while also giving experts an opportunity to test out winning strategies.
The modes start to get a little more intricate from there. Mortal Kombat includes a Fatality Mode, which delivers exactly what you'd expect. The mode indicates where players must stand in order to successfully perform the final death blow for any of the game's 20+ characters, turning green for correct position and red for out of bounds. Players can select their favorite character, which fatality they wish to rehearse, and their favorite punching bag in the mode.
When the Fatality Mode loads, the correct button sequence appears at the top of the screen giving players an opportunity to practice the move. Timing for Mortal Kombat's deadly strikes is key; however, the mode allows players to remove the clock from the equation to sear the combo into their minds at their own pace. The game is friendly in its execution. The only penalty for failing to land a Fatality is a brief reload, but that's only necessary if you were to accidentally strike an opponent; plugging in the wrong button combinations won't require a restart. Friendlier still are entire character move lists, including special moves, in the game's pause menu during matches.
What really captured my attention was Mortal Kombat's Challenge Tower, a 300-level high series of tests and events that help unlock a surprise the MK dev team during my preview said would be "well worth a player's time." They also noted that, while they wouldn't reveal what that surprise was, the information will likely be revealed on the Internet within hours of the game's release. Vague rewards aside, the Challenge Tower offers a cornucopia of different tasks for the player to accomplish. The first few levels act as a tutorial for the game, showcasing basic moves like blocking. As players climb the tower, the challenges get more complex and rules for each level get more detailed.
The Challenge Tower also brings classic Mortal Kombat modes into the fray: Test Your Sight, giving players the chance to follow an eyeball as it's shuffled under multiple hollowed out skulls; Test Your Might, testing players rapid button pressing and timing to destroy increasingly more difficult objects; Test Your Strike, where players must destroy a specific block in a stack; and (the brand new) Test Your Luck, which adds random modifiers to battles. In Test Your Luck, players might face off against headless opponents, battle in an upside-down arena, or combat without the use of their arms. This mode basically adds a pinch of crazy to the boiling pot of blood and guts, once again proving that filling a game with violence doesn't inherently make it mature.
The Challenge Tower is a mixture of tutorials, interesting challenges, throw away filler missions, and completely odd concepts. If any level of the Tower becomes too complex (or asinine) players can use their collected "Koins" to bypass the level and move on to the next challenge.
The Tower also brings with it a classic passion from the Mortal Kombat series of old: a desire to unlock the game's secrets. Though it's not as intricate as the "Krypt" found in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, it's 300 missions that set to test a player's supreme Mortal Kombat prowess with promises of something extra special in the end. I just hope it's worth the effort, because fighting three manic Baraka's isn't my idea of a good time if the end reward is a pat on the back and a few stills of concept art.
While the Challenge Tower and Fatality Mode focuses on the single-player experience (Read: the least important aspect of this genre), the modes do serve a multiplayer focus. They are essentially entry points for players to get comfortable with the game's style. Mortal Kombat is not a lightning fast fighter in the vein of a Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds, so it's nice to see NetherRealm shine a light on the offline to get gamers comfortable with its very different and distinct style.
Mortal Kombat is a game crafted from the nostalgic essence of our youth. Though it's insanely violent and over the top, it never dips into the world of the chaotic--even during the game's Tag Team arcade mode. The game is as plodding and manageable as you remember, with a striking modern visual flair and a weight behind every attack. So far, the new Mortal Kombat looks to be a love letter to the franchise filled with reminisince nods to its former glory... and signed in blood.
Mortal Kombat launches on April 19 for the Xbox 360 and PS3.
Xav de Matos
Download Mozilla Firefox Terbaru 6.0 Beta 1
Mozilla firefox sudah mengeluarkan versi terbarunya yaitu Mozilla firefox terbaru 6.0 Beta 1 yang sebelumnya mengeluarkan mozilla firefox terbaru 6.0 Beta 1, memang mozilla sering mengeluarkan updetan terbaru dari sebelum-sebelumnya yang dimaksudkan untuk menambahkan fitur fitur yang kurang serta merapikan bugs yang sebelumnya ada di dalam mozilla itu sendiri.
Semua tentang Mozilla Firefox terbaru 6.0 Beta 1
*Firefox 6.0 Beta 1 tersedia dalam 79 bahasa
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*Overhaul dari bookmark dan kode sejarah, memungkinkan kinerja lebih cepat dan startup bookmark
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Mozilla Firefox terbaru 4 6.0 Beta 1 ini tersedia untuk beberapa operating system yaitu Windows, Linux dan MacOS. Mozilla Firefox Terbaru ini memiliki fungsi yang sangat baik dibandingan dengan versi-versi sebelumnya. Semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda semua yang lagi mencarinya. Bagi yang mau Download Mozilla Firefox Terbaru 6.0 Beta 1 silahkan klik disini.
Semua tentang Mozilla Firefox terbaru 6.0 Beta 1
*Firefox 6.0 Beta 1 tersedia dalam 79 bahasa
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*Firefox Sync pengalaman setup telah sangat ditingkatkan melalui perangkat desktop dan mobile
*Tambahan polish bagi Manajer Pengaya Firefox
*Tombol Firefox memiliki tampilan baru untuk Windows Vista dan Windows 7 pengguna
*Dukungan untuk protokol keamanan HSTS memungkinkan situs untuk bersikeras bahwa mereka hanya akan dimuat di atas SSL http://ilmu-komputer23.blogspot.com/2011/03/free-download-mozilla-firefox-4-rc.html
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* Dan masih banyak lagi keunggulan dari mozilla firefox terbaru 6.0 Beta 1 ini
Mozilla Firefox terbaru 4 6.0 Beta 1 ini tersedia untuk beberapa operating system yaitu Windows, Linux dan MacOS. Mozilla Firefox Terbaru ini memiliki fungsi yang sangat baik dibandingan dengan versi-versi sebelumnya. Semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda semua yang lagi mencarinya. Bagi yang mau Download Mozilla Firefox Terbaru 6.0 Beta 1 silahkan klik disini.
Selasa, 22 Maret 2011
Brink preview
Most FPS games rely on players to make multiplayer gaming unique. Some have great environments, others offer interesting selections and placements of weapons, but ultimately each and every one requires action from the players to really take off. That means if players just want to shoot, the game turns into a shooting match. Even objective-based games can turn into non-stop skirmishes with no clear winner in seconds. That’s what Brink hopes to change.
Brink is a task-based cooperative FPS, which requires players to work together at every turn. There are no deathmatch games, no killstreak rewards, no individual awards whatsoever. At the end of the game, the only points totaled are based on what the team scored, not individual kill/death ratios. If you don’t play as a team, you will lose. Single-player is only for when the Internet is down.
This unique style of forced cooperative gameplay is made exciting by two main themes: constant task completion and mass customization. The first I played required delivering a robot from one end of the map to the other, while working through the opposition’s defenses. The second involved breaking a POW out of his cell and escorting him to safety.
Both of these missions are not as straight-forward as they sound. They can be – players can just have a firefight and the better team will win, or more likely it will be a draw at the end – but that’s not the point of Brink. Splash Damage built tools to get away from the constant firefight, giving players the opportunity to take on secondary missions through a simple on-screen terminal with the push of the button. Secondary missions like opening up or closing off sections of the map, unlocking terminals to change classes and add new spawn points, or to speed up the main objective. This task-based gameplay is the reason why kills and deaths aren’t even listed when the game ends. To Splash Damage, it doesn’t matter. Accomplishing the objective is all that counts.
That said, there is still room for lone wolves in Brink. Going around running-and-gunning the enemy has its uses. Stronger players can achieve smaller secondary objectives singlehandedly, and depending on their class – soldier, engineer, medic, or operative – one can even hold key positions singlehandedly, long enough for reinforcements to arrive.
Accomplishing an object singlehandedly is possible because if Brink’s open-ended class customization design. Sure, character traits like facial features, tattoos, and gun modifications add a sense of propriety and individuality, but weapons selection helps determine gameplay. Classes aren’t fixed, and computer terminals on each level allow players to switch between classes and change weapons at any time in-game. The weapons you play with will affect the rest of your team, but thankfully those can also be changed at a terminal. Brink is all about achieving objectives, without obstruction.
Customization goes deeper than that, including a large selection of aesthetic-only gun add-ons, but what’s more intriguing is how class selection has to do with task completion. Certain side-missions require a particular class to achieve an objective, for instancerepairing a robot requires an engineer, or rescuing a POW requires a medic to resuscitate him. Communication is paramount. No team will last long if everyone goes their separate way.
Team play, customization, and task completion all feed into each other. Class selection determines what secondary missions are available to complete thus speeding up the primary mission. Weapons selected prior to the game will determine how players will engage in combat and how they will work with teammates. And what classes teammates play as and what weapons they use will influence your decisions too. Great teams will revolve around working together and not being a headshot veteran, much like the real world. Brink is the anti-hero FPS. No man is an island.
This system of play ensures both teams run in waves. At the end of each battle one side is almost always decimated. It’s a constant battle to reorganize, rearm, create new defenses and new perimeters, reengage, stall, flank and outflank, and advance. Games last anywhere from 10-30 minutes, but can presumably last much longer. How structured teams are and how well each is able to complete secondary missions and maintain position will most influence the direction of each match, and ultimately the strength of the teams.
From what I’ve seen thus far, Brink is one of the most demanding games set to release this year. It is so infused with a cooperative play style that nothing gets in the way of team play. Brink is the farthest thing from a dumb shooter I’ve ever seen, requiring the best players to not only play smart, but think tactically in real time, concurrently with up to seven friends. Every game could do it – with the right players – but none require or exploit that sort of think-on-your-feet gameplay Brink promises to provide.
James Pikover
Senin, 21 Maret 2011
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Menurut pihak Microsoft, IE terbaru ini hadir dengan kekuatan baru yang jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya. IE9 juga dibuat untuk mengoptimalkan Sistem Operasi Windows 7, serta chip Processing Grafik yang bisa menyuguhkan visual video, game, grafik secara baik dan memuaskan. IE9 juga mendukung untuk penggunaan HTML5 dan perbaikan UI.
Pihak Microsoft juga mengklaim bahwa situs-situs popular seperti Facebook, Twitter, Pandora, Hulu, dan Yahoo telah mengadaptasi situs mereka ke IE9. Kemudian Microsoft juga menggembar-gemborkan fitur keamanan IE9 yang yang lebih baik dan mempunyai filter yang kuat terhadap malware
IE9 pertama kali hadir tahun lalu dengan rilis beta, dan secara total sampai dengan versi Release Candidate sudah didownload lebih dari 40 juta kali oelh seluruh pengguna di dunia. Atas dasar fakta tersebut sudah seharusnya IE9 hadir menjadi lebih baik agar bisa tetap bersaing dengan browser lainnya yang saat ini didominasi oleh Google Chrome dan Mozilla Firefox.
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Menurut pihak Microsoft, IE terbaru ini hadir dengan kekuatan baru yang jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya. IE9 juga dibuat untuk mengoptimalkan Sistem Operasi Windows 7, serta chip Processing Grafik yang bisa menyuguhkan visual video, game, grafik secara baik dan memuaskan. IE9 juga mendukung untuk penggunaan HTML5 dan perbaikan UI.
Pihak Microsoft juga mengklaim bahwa situs-situs popular seperti Facebook, Twitter, Pandora, Hulu, dan Yahoo telah mengadaptasi situs mereka ke IE9. Kemudian Microsoft juga menggembar-gemborkan fitur keamanan IE9 yang yang lebih baik dan mempunyai filter yang kuat terhadap malware
IE9 pertama kali hadir tahun lalu dengan rilis beta, dan secara total sampai dengan versi Release Candidate sudah didownload lebih dari 40 juta kali oelh seluruh pengguna di dunia. Atas dasar fakta tersebut sudah seharusnya IE9 hadir menjadi lebih baik agar bisa tetap bersaing dengan browser lainnya yang saat ini didominasi oleh Google Chrome dan Mozilla Firefox.
Internet Explorer terbaru menggunakan platform terbaru preview IE9 dan benar-benar sangat mengesankan. Semua orang berharap versi final akan lebh ringan, cepat dan mengkonsumsi sumber daya minimum. Hal ini akan mendorong Internet Explorer kembali ke sorotan dari perang browser. Kita tunggu saja nanti web browser terbaru dari Internet Explorer yang akan menjadi pesaing buat browser lainnya.
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Download IE9 | Windows 7 32-bit (English)
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Minggu, 20 Maret 2011
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What’s new in version 6.05 build 8?
•Fixed “Download all links with IDM” menu crashing IE 9
•Fixed critical bug in IE integration module
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What’s new in version 6.05 build 8?
•Fixed “Download all links with IDM” menu crashing IE 9
•Fixed critical bug in IE integration module
•Improved audio and video recognition for several sites
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Sabtu, 19 Maret 2011
Cheat Point Blank 30 Maret 2011 X-Watonz V1.1 30032011
Kali ini di blog dishare Cheat Point Blank 30 Maret 2011 X-Watonz V1.1 30032011 yang masih hangat. Bisa dicoba cheat point blank ini Cheat point blank terbaru kali ini bernama Cheat Point Blank 30 Maret 2011 X-Watonz V1.1 30032011, mudah-mudahan cheat ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan semuanya yang lagi nyari-nyari cheat point blank 30 Maret 2011.
Hotkey And Feature :
[¤] F1 = Full Char ON + Baret Hitam GM
[¤] F2 = Full Char OFF + ON SPION MODE |BM Only For Spion|
[¤] Tittle Hack= Insert = On
[¤] Minimize : ALT
"Cara Pakai Char Hack dan Spion :
-Udah Pada tau kan cara makenya ?
-banyak yang share :D
Cara Pakai Tittle Hack :
-Masuk Room Server Clan / Competisi juga bisa
-DiLobby Tekan Insert...
-Coba beli senjata kalian yang belum ada title nya
Cara Pakai Minimize :
-Langsung aja tekan ALT
NB : Bila udah ngk work..
Silahkan gunakan FD or Lock Box dan sejenisnya TQ
Semoga cheat point blank 30022011 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda semua yang membutuhkannya. Bagi yang mau download cheat point blank 30 Maret 2011 silahkan klik disini. Notice : Cheat Point Blank 30 Maret 2011 X-Watonz V1.1 302032011 ini berjalan apabila sesuai dengan aturan dan tidak adanya update dadakan dari game point blank itu sendiri. Untuk updetan cheat point blank lewat facebook silahkan klik tanda suka/like di sisi kanan blog terimakasih.
Hotkey And Feature :
[¤] F1 = Full Char ON + Baret Hitam GM
[¤] F2 = Full Char OFF + ON SPION MODE |BM Only For Spion|
[¤] Tittle Hack= Insert = On
[¤] Minimize : ALT
"Cara Pakai Char Hack dan Spion :
-Udah Pada tau kan cara makenya ?
-banyak yang share :D
Cara Pakai Tittle Hack :
-Masuk Room Server Clan / Competisi juga bisa
-DiLobby Tekan Insert...
-Coba beli senjata kalian yang belum ada title nya
Cara Pakai Minimize :
-Langsung aja tekan ALT
NB : Bila udah ngk work..
Silahkan gunakan FD or Lock Box dan sejenisnya TQ
Semoga cheat point blank 30022011 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda semua yang membutuhkannya. Bagi yang mau download cheat point blank 30 Maret 2011 silahkan klik disini. Notice : Cheat Point Blank 30 Maret 2011 X-Watonz V1.1 302032011 ini berjalan apabila sesuai dengan aturan dan tidak adanya update dadakan dari game point blank itu sendiri. Untuk updetan cheat point blank lewat facebook silahkan klik tanda suka/like di sisi kanan blog terimakasih.
Jumat, 18 Maret 2011
Free Download Deep Freeze 7 Terbaru 2011
Kali ini saya akan share tentang Free Download Deep Freeze 7 Terbaru 2011 walaupun aplikasi/software deep freeze 7 terbaru ini sudah ada di bulan kemarin, hanya saya telat memposting atau menshare pada anda semuanya. Deep Freeze adalah aplikasi keamanan komputer yang paling aman. Paling aman disini maksudnya adalah paling aman dari serangan virus. Dengan menggunakan Deep Freeze ini, ini menandakan bahwa anda baru saja membuat komputer aman dari serangan virus, karena cara kerja aplikasi buatan Faronics ini sangat pintar sekali.
Fitur-fitur yang deep freeze 7 full version :
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*Supports multi-boot lingkungan
*Compatible with Fast User Switching
*Supports SCSI, ATA, SATA, dan IDE hard drive
*Single menginstal untuk Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP dan Vista
*Supports FAT, FAT32, NTFS, dasar dan dinamis disk, dll
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Fitur-fitur yang deep freeze 7 full version :
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- Integrasi dan Kompatibilitas
*Supports multi-boot lingkungan
*Compatible with Fast User Switching
*Supports SCSI, ATA, SATA, dan IDE hard drive
*Single menginstal untuk Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP dan Vista
*Supports FAT, FAT32, NTFS, dasar dan dinamis disk, dll
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Rabu, 16 Maret 2011
Cheat Point Blank Terbaru F2F_Special Fullhack
Kali ini di blog dishare Cheat Point Blank Terbaru F2F_Special Fullhack yang masih hangat. Bisa dicoba cheat point blank ini Cheat point blank terbaru kali ini bernama Cheat Point Blank Terbaru, mudah-mudahan cheat ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan semuanya yang lagi nyari-nyari cheat pb terbaru
Fiture Cheat Point Blank Terbaru
[*] F1 | Char Hack and Beret GM
[*] F2 | Char Hack and Beret SG
[*] F3 | Char Hack and Beret Assault
[*] F4 | Char Hack and Beret AWP
[*] F5 | Char Hack and Beret SMG
[*] HOME | Char Hack and Beret Secondary
[*] DELETE | Reset Char Hack and Beret
[*] F11 | Spion Mode
Cara pakai Fullhack :
[-]Masuk Room
[-]Tekan F11 Untuk Spion
[-]Tekan F1 Untuk headger hack + Baret GM >>> Effect Baret
[-]Play http://ilmu-komputer23.blogspot.com/2011/03/cheat-point-blank-terbaru-f2fspecial.html
Created :
Special thanks To :
[-]Tekan f1 Lagi saat Loading map [Effect Headger hacknya]
[-]Saat Muncul tulisan sedang mempersiapkan game/Respawn tekan DELETE untuk Off
Semoga Cheat Point Blank Terbaru ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda semua yang membutuhkannya. Bagi yang mau download cheat pb terbaru silahkan klik disini. Notice : Cheat Point Blank Terbaru ini berjalan apabila sesuai dengan aturan dan tidak adanya update dadakan dari game point blank itu sendiri. Untuk updetan cheat point blank lewat facebook silahkan klik tanda suka/like di sisi kanan blog terimakasih.
Fiture Cheat Point Blank Terbaru
[*] F1 | Char Hack and Beret GM
[*] F2 | Char Hack and Beret SG
[*] F3 | Char Hack and Beret Assault
[*] F4 | Char Hack and Beret AWP
[*] F5 | Char Hack and Beret SMG
[*] HOME | Char Hack and Beret Secondary
[*] DELETE | Reset Char Hack and Beret
[*] F11 | Spion Mode
Cara pakai Fullhack :
[-]Masuk Room
[-]Tekan F11 Untuk Spion
[-]Tekan F1 Untuk headger hack + Baret GM >>> Effect Baret
[-]Play http://ilmu-komputer23.blogspot.com/2011/03/cheat-point-blank-terbaru-f2fspecial.html
Created :
Special thanks To :
[-]Tekan f1 Lagi saat Loading map [Effect Headger hacknya]
[-]Saat Muncul tulisan sedang mempersiapkan game/Respawn tekan DELETE untuk Off
Semoga Cheat Point Blank Terbaru ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda semua yang membutuhkannya. Bagi yang mau download cheat pb terbaru silahkan klik disini. Notice : Cheat Point Blank Terbaru ini berjalan apabila sesuai dengan aturan dan tidak adanya update dadakan dari game point blank itu sendiri. Untuk updetan cheat point blank lewat facebook silahkan klik tanda suka/like di sisi kanan blog terimakasih.
Download Zynga Poker Bot Terbaru
Kali ini saya akan share tentang Zynga Poker Bot Terbaru yang menurut saya wajib dicoba buat yang suka mean texas holdem poker. Sebelumnya pun saya pernah share Cheat Texas Holdem Poker yang sudah lama saya share dan kemungkinan sudah tidak bisa dipakai lagi. Langsung saja dibawah ini merupakan fitur dan pemakaian cheat zynga poker april 2011.
*Bekerja di Jaringan Zynga Games (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Bebo, dll)
*100% otomatis, bergabung tabel, menutup popup, reload ketika terjebak
*Full source code tersedia untuk download
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*Memungkinkan PlayerProfiles kustom
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*Tabel hop jika tirai terlalu besar atau terlalu kecil
*Memungkinkan gambar pengguna kustom.
*Mendeteksi jumlah lawan.
Cara Pemakaian Zynga Poker Bot ( Maaf Pakai B.Inggris Terjemahkan Sendiri OK )
*Open up settings.ini and scroll down to the [Browser]. Change only if you don’t use IE. Save and close if you made changes.
*Go to your Texes Holdem Lobby. Be sure you have the chips showing on the top.
*Run the ZingaPokerBotTool3.exe. You need to have the whole lobby showing when you start it up so drag the folder off the lobby screen before starting it. It will let you know when its done.
*Run the bot.exe. If you didn’t copy over your seats info you’ll need to join a empty 9 seat room. This part teaches it where your seats are and what your pic looks like. (if you ever change your pic you need to delete all the ini files in your data/seats folder and redo your seats) After learning your seats it will go into a room via the room chooser instead of hitting play now.
*Every time you go to a new blind room a popup will ask you what the blind is.
In the following the big blind is 1000 so just type in 1000 and hit save. Entering the wrong number here will lead to problems like going all in when its not suppose to! ,If you don’t see a popup your browser may have stopped it. Turn off the blocker or try a different browser.
*It should now join a seat and start playing. If all the seats are full it will go to the lobby and choose a new room. http://ilmu-komputer23.blogspot.com/2011/03/download-zynga-poker-bot-terbaru.html
*If all goes well right click the bot in the toolbar and exit. You can now edit
Semoga Zynga Poker Bot Terbaru ini bisa bermanfaaat bagi kalian semuanya yang suka maen poker. Bagi yang mau download zynga poker bot silahkan klik disini gratis ko alias free download. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba poker bot terbaru ini.
*Bekerja di Jaringan Zynga Games (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Bebo, dll)
*100% otomatis, bergabung tabel, menutup popup, reload ketika terjebak
*Full source code tersedia untuk download
*Bekerja dalam tabel ukuran dengan bankroll
*Dimainkan tangan terbaik, dan kemudian menghitung peluang untuk membuat keputusan
*Memungkinkan PlayerProfiles kustom
*Tabel hop jika lawan terlalu sedikit
*Tabel hop jika tirai terlalu besar atau terlalu kecil
*Memungkinkan gambar pengguna kustom.
*Mendeteksi jumlah lawan.
Cara Pemakaian Zynga Poker Bot ( Maaf Pakai B.Inggris Terjemahkan Sendiri OK )
*Open up settings.ini and scroll down to the [Browser]. Change only if you don’t use IE. Save and close if you made changes.
*Go to your Texes Holdem Lobby. Be sure you have the chips showing on the top.
*Run the ZingaPokerBotTool3.exe. You need to have the whole lobby showing when you start it up so drag the folder off the lobby screen before starting it. It will let you know when its done.
*Run the bot.exe. If you didn’t copy over your seats info you’ll need to join a empty 9 seat room. This part teaches it where your seats are and what your pic looks like. (if you ever change your pic you need to delete all the ini files in your data/seats folder and redo your seats) After learning your seats it will go into a room via the room chooser instead of hitting play now.
*Every time you go to a new blind room a popup will ask you what the blind is.
In the following the big blind is 1000 so just type in 1000 and hit save. Entering the wrong number here will lead to problems like going all in when its not suppose to! ,If you don’t see a popup your browser may have stopped it. Turn off the blocker or try a different browser.
*It should now join a seat and start playing. If all the seats are full it will go to the lobby and choose a new room. http://ilmu-komputer23.blogspot.com/2011/03/download-zynga-poker-bot-terbaru.html
*If all goes well right click the bot in the toolbar and exit. You can now edit
Semoga Zynga Poker Bot Terbaru ini bisa bermanfaaat bagi kalian semuanya yang suka maen poker. Bagi yang mau download zynga poker bot silahkan klik disini gratis ko alias free download. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba poker bot terbaru ini.
Senin, 14 Maret 2011
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Perbaikan Artav 2.7
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*Perombakan Teknik Pada Process Scanning
Penambahan Artav 2.7
*Penambahan Informasi Directory dan Condition
*Penambahan Time Saat Scanning
*Penambahan Time dan Uncleaned Result Pada Form Laporan
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Perbaikan Artav 2.7
*Penggantian Icon2 pada tampilan
*Perbaikan CheckOption FilterFile dan Heuristic pada Menu Setting
*Perbaikan ListView pada ARTAV-RealTime Protection
*Pemisahan List Virus Dengan Result pada Scanning
*Perombakan Teknik Pada Process Scanning
Penambahan Artav 2.7
*Penambahan Informasi Directory dan Condition
*Penambahan Time Saat Scanning
*Penambahan Time dan Uncleaned Result Pada Form Laporan
*Penambahan Fitur ART-Message Sebagai Pemberitahu hal2 yang dilakukan pada ARTAV
*Penambahan Fitur ART-RegFix Yaitu Fitur Untuk Scanning Registry Yang Error Menggantikan System Scan http://ilmu-komputer23.blogspot.com/2011/03/download-artav-27-artav-portable.html
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Semua tentang Mozilla Firefox 4 RC
*Firefox 4 RC tersedia dalam 79 bahasa
*Dukungan untuk mengajukan Tidak Track ("DNT") header
*Pesan Status sambungan saat ini ditampilkan dalam overlay kecil
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Semua tentang Mozilla Firefox 4 RC
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*Per-kompartemen pengumpulan sampah sekarang diaktifkan, mengurangi kerja yang dilakukan selama animasi kompleks
*Firefox Sync pengalaman setup telah sangat ditingkatkan melalui perangkat desktop dan mobile
*Tambahan polish bagi Manajer Pengaya Firefox
*Menggunakan JägerMonkey, yang baru, lebih cepat JavaScript engine operasi
*Rendering tertentu sekarang hardware-accelerated menggunakan Direct3D 9 pada Windows XP, Direct3D 10 pada Windows Vista, dan 7 dan OpenGL di Mac OS X
*Peningkatan web tipografi menggunakan OpenType dengan dukungan untuk ligatures, kerning dan font varian
*HTML5 Formulir API membuat formulir berbasis web lebih mudah untuk menerapkan dan memvalidasi
*Dukungan untuk diusulkan Data baru Audio API
*Direct2D Akselerasi Hardware kini diaktifkan secara default untuk Windows 7 pengguna
*Tombol Firefox memiliki tampilan baru untuk Windows Vista dan Windows 7 pengguna
*Dukungan untuk protokol keamanan HSTS memungkinkan situs untuk bersikeras bahwa mereka hanya akan dimuat di atas SSL http://ilmu-komputer23.blogspot.com/2011/03/free-download-mozilla-firefox-4-rc.html
*Firefox Sync kini disertakan secara default
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*Sebuah API eksperimental termasuk untuk menyediakan lebih efisien Animasi Javascript
* Dan masih banyak lagi keunggulan dari mozilla firefox 4 rc ini
Mozilla Firefox 4 RC ini tersedia untuk beberapa operating system yaitu Windows, Linux dan MacOS. Mozilla Firefox Terbaru ini memiliki fungsi yang sangat baik dibandingan dengan versi-versi sebelumnya. Semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda semua yang lagi mencarinya. Bagi yang mau Download Mozilla Firefox 4 RC silahkan klik disini.
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Dalam Avira terbaru ini terdapat kemampuan memproteksi virus berdasarkan tingkah laku file/virus dengan Antivir ProActiv namun kemampuan ini hanya terdapat pada versi premium dan profesional. Dengan kemampuan peningkatan kemampuan perbaikan yang mencapai 100 juta meliputi Perbaikan Umum data registry dan file yang terinfeksi Express Installation, antarmuka pengguna transparant, dan informasi download virus dengan fitur one-click removal. Untuk vresi berbayarnya jug ada Fitur Parental Control. http://ilmu-komputer23.blogspot.com/2011/03/free-download-avira-terbaru-2011.html
Dengan fungsi-fungsi terbarunya, avira terbaru ini mempunyai peran penting didalam memproteksi virus-virus baru yang ada di komputer, jadi bagi kalian yang berminat untuk download avira terbaru 2011 ini silahkan klik disini, antivirus avira gratis alias free bisa ada gunakan di komputernya masing-masing dengan update - an avira terbaru. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mendownload avira terbaru 2011 ini.
Dalam Avira terbaru ini terdapat kemampuan memproteksi virus berdasarkan tingkah laku file/virus dengan Antivir ProActiv namun kemampuan ini hanya terdapat pada versi premium dan profesional. Dengan kemampuan peningkatan kemampuan perbaikan yang mencapai 100 juta meliputi Perbaikan Umum data registry dan file yang terinfeksi Express Installation, antarmuka pengguna transparant, dan informasi download virus dengan fitur one-click removal. Untuk vresi berbayarnya jug ada Fitur Parental Control. http://ilmu-komputer23.blogspot.com/2011/03/free-download-avira-terbaru-2011.html
Dengan fungsi-fungsi terbarunya, avira terbaru ini mempunyai peran penting didalam memproteksi virus-virus baru yang ada di komputer, jadi bagi kalian yang berminat untuk download avira terbaru 2011 ini silahkan klik disini, antivirus avira gratis alias free bisa ada gunakan di komputernya masing-masing dengan update - an avira terbaru. Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mendownload avira terbaru 2011 ini.
Minggu, 13 Maret 2011
Cheat Crossfire 30 Maret 2011 CrossFire Hacks
Setelah lama tidak update cheat crossfire, kali ini saya share Cheat Crossfire 30 Maret 2011 cheat yang sekian lama agan-agan tunggu-tunggu dan banyak juga yang request cheat crossfire ini. Cheat crossfire terbaru maret 2011 ini sudah dicoba dan work.
F5 : One Hit Kill, No Grenade Damage
F6 : Instant Reload, No Change Delay
F7 : No Fall Damage, Shotty Spread (5 Bullet Spread)
Shift : Terbang
Control : Turun
NB: http://ilmu-komputer23.blogspot.com/2011/03/cheat-crossfire-14-maret-2011-crossfire.html
[-] Jangan tekan Shift atau control saat di Lobby karena akan menyebabkan DC [Disconect]
[-] Hack terbang tidak work di semua map
Semoga Cheat Crossfire 30 Maret 2011 Cheat CF 1 Hit bisa bermanfaat bagi agan agan semua yang lagi mencarinya. Bagi yang mau download Cheat Crossfire 30 Maret 2011 silahkan klik disini. Semoga cheat ini bisa bermnafaat bagi agan-agan semuanya yang lagi mencarinya. Tunggu lagi versi terbaru cheat crossfire lainnya di http://ilmu-komputer23.blogspot.com semoga sukses.
F5 : One Hit Kill, No Grenade Damage
F6 : Instant Reload, No Change Delay
F7 : No Fall Damage, Shotty Spread (5 Bullet Spread)
Shift : Terbang
Control : Turun
NB: http://ilmu-komputer23.blogspot.com/2011/03/cheat-crossfire-14-maret-2011-crossfire.html
[-] Jangan tekan Shift atau control saat di Lobby karena akan menyebabkan DC [Disconect]
[-] Hack terbang tidak work di semua map
Semoga Cheat Crossfire 30 Maret 2011 Cheat CF 1 Hit bisa bermanfaat bagi agan agan semua yang lagi mencarinya. Bagi yang mau download Cheat Crossfire 30 Maret 2011 silahkan klik disini. Semoga cheat ini bisa bermnafaat bagi agan-agan semuanya yang lagi mencarinya. Tunggu lagi versi terbaru cheat crossfire lainnya di http://ilmu-komputer23.blogspot.com semoga sukses.
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Bulan lalu Internet Download Manager sudah mengeluarkan idm 6.05 dan saya pun telah menshare idm 6.05 dengan cracknya. Sekarang setelah idm update kembali dengan versi idm 6.05 build 5 saya akan memberikan nya kembali pada anda semuanya, tetapi ini disertai dengan idm 6.05 portable. IDM terbaru versi ini memiliki perbaikan yang lebih baik dibandingan versi sebelumnya, mengupdate bagian-bagian bugs yang ada pada idm versi kemaren. http://ilmu-komputer23.blogspot.com/2011/03/download-idm-605-build-5-idm-605.html
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Sabtu, 12 Maret 2011
Artav Antivirus 2.7, Free Download Artav Antivirus
Artav Antivirus 2.7, Free Download Artav Antivirus. Artav kembali dalam revisi barunya, yakni pembaruan dari versi sebelumnya. Seperti yang kita tahu, bahwa antivirus artav juga tidak kalah hebat dengan antivirus lokal maupun luar yang banyak beredar di Indonesia, namun antivirus artav ini patut diacungi jempol karena mampu menyaingi antivirus yang sudah mendunia. versi terbaru Artav 2.7 ini
Jumat, 11 Maret 2011
Cheat PB 30 Maret 2011 Night_Shadow v.3.7 30032011
Kali ini di blog dishare Cheat PB 30 Maret 2011 Night_Shadow v.3.9 30032011 yang masih hangat. Bisa dicoba cheat point blank ini Cheat point blank terbaru kali ini bernama Cheat PB 30 Maret 2011 Night_Shadow v.3.7 30032011, mudah-mudahan cheat ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan semuanya yang lagi nyari-nyari cheat pb 30 Maret 2011.
[*] QUIT PB = F3[*]
[*] SPION = F4[*]
[-]JOIN ROOM AKTIFKAN tekan Numpad 1[-]
[-]PAS LOADING MAP tekan numpad 1 lagi KAN LAGI[-]
[-]Pada saat ada TULISAN "SEDANG MEMPERSIAPKAN GAME " tekan Numpad 0[-]
CARA PEMAKAIAN SPION : Tekan F4 saat di room
Cara Pakai No respawn :
[-]Masuk /Join Room[-]
[-]tekan Home[-]
[-]Lalu Play[-]
[-]Coba bunuh Diri deh ntar langsung respawn[-]
Semoga cheat pb 30022011 Terbaru ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda semua yang membutuhkannya. Bagi yang mau download cheat pb 30 Maret 2011 silahkan klik disini. Notice : Password Rar :
www.minacoo.com. Cheat PB 30 Maret 2011 Night_Shadow v.3.7 30032011 ini berjalan apabila sesuai dengan aturan dan tidak adanya update dadakan dari game point blank itu sendiri. Untuk updetan cheat point blank lewat facebook silahkan klik tanda suka/like di sisi kanan blog terimakasih.
[*] QUIT PB = F3[*]
[*] SPION = F4[*]
[-]JOIN ROOM AKTIFKAN tekan Numpad 1[-]
[-]PAS LOADING MAP tekan numpad 1 lagi KAN LAGI[-]
[-]Pada saat ada TULISAN "SEDANG MEMPERSIAPKAN GAME " tekan Numpad 0[-]
CARA PEMAKAIAN SPION : Tekan F4 saat di room
Cara Pakai No respawn :
[-]Masuk /Join Room[-]
[-]tekan Home[-]
[-]Lalu Play[-]
[-]Coba bunuh Diri deh ntar langsung respawn[-]
Semoga cheat pb 30022011 Terbaru ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda semua yang membutuhkannya. Bagi yang mau download cheat pb 30 Maret 2011 silahkan klik disini. Notice : Password Rar :
www.minacoo.com. Cheat PB 30 Maret 2011 Night_Shadow v.3.7 30032011 ini berjalan apabila sesuai dengan aturan dan tidak adanya update dadakan dari game point blank itu sendiri. Untuk updetan cheat point blank lewat facebook silahkan klik tanda suka/like di sisi kanan blog terimakasih.
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Kamis, 10 Maret 2011
Cheat Ninja Saga 30 Maret 2011 Infinite HP and CP
Kali ini saya share Cheat Ninja Saga 30 Maret 2011 Infinite HP and CP, semoga saja cheat ninja saga ini bermanfaat bagi agan-agan semuanya yang lagi mencarinya. Cheat ninja saga ini merupakan up-date terdahulu, tetapi saya rubah atau dimodifikasi agar bisa work dengan baik. Bagi yang mau coba Cheat Ninja Saga 30 Maret 2011 silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini.
1. Go Ninja Saga Only works in Firefox ( DO NOT SELECT YO1UR CHARACTER FIRST)
2. Go to Cheat Engine 6.0 and select process Plugin Container.exe
3. Scan Type: Search this array, Value Type: Array of Bytes, check the HEX
4. Scan "28 00 00 00 0C 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00"
5. Double-click the address
6. Change the value to "FF 22 0C 00 00 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00"
7. Check the "frozen" on the left address or just tick it.
8. Now new scan again and scan "28 00 00 00 88 13 00 00 28 00 00 00 03 00 00 00"
9. Change the value to "FF 22 00 00 88 13 00 00 28 00 00 00 03 00 00 00"
10. Check the "frozen" on the left address or just tick it. (You should have two address by now and both frozen)
11. Now select your character and press play
12. Go to Missions , World Boss and enjoy
Semoga Cheat Ninja Saga 30 Maret 2011 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan-agan semuanya, selamat mencoba yah ok dan jangan lupa juga ya baca Cheat Ninja Saga One Hit Kill Boss dan Cheat Talent Point Ninja Saga kali aja cheat ninja saga terbaru ini masih work. Untuk updetan cheat ninja saga lewat facebook silahkan klik tanda suka/like di sisi kanan blog terimakasih. Bagi yang mau download cheat ninja saga terbaru cheat ninja saga all in one silahkan klik disini terimakasih
1. Go Ninja Saga Only works in Firefox ( DO NOT SELECT YO1UR CHARACTER FIRST)
2. Go to Cheat Engine 6.0 and select process Plugin Container.exe
3. Scan Type: Search this array, Value Type: Array of Bytes, check the HEX
4. Scan "28 00 00 00 0C 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00"
5. Double-click the address
6. Change the value to "FF 22 0C 00 00 03 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 00 00"
7. Check the "frozen" on the left address or just tick it.
8. Now new scan again and scan "28 00 00 00 88 13 00 00 28 00 00 00 03 00 00 00"
9. Change the value to "FF 22 00 00 88 13 00 00 28 00 00 00 03 00 00 00"
10. Check the "frozen" on the left address or just tick it. (You should have two address by now and both frozen)
11. Now select your character and press play
12. Go to Missions , World Boss and enjoy
Semoga Cheat Ninja Saga 30 Maret 2011 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan-agan semuanya, selamat mencoba yah ok dan jangan lupa juga ya baca Cheat Ninja Saga One Hit Kill Boss dan Cheat Talent Point Ninja Saga kali aja cheat ninja saga terbaru ini masih work. Untuk updetan cheat ninja saga lewat facebook silahkan klik tanda suka/like di sisi kanan blog terimakasih. Bagi yang mau download cheat ninja saga terbaru cheat ninja saga all in one silahkan klik disini terimakasih
Cheat Audition Ayodance 30 Maret 2011
Postingan kali ini masih berhubungan dengan cheat game online, yaitu Cheat Ayodance 30 Maret 2011. Cheat ayodance 2011 ini merupakan cheat yang di nanti nanti para penggemar game online ayodance ini. Dengan cara bermain yang mudah tentu saja anda dapat melakukan ratusan gerakan dance yang keren dan fantastis, seperti gerakan dancer TOP artis idola, atau koreografi dance yang romantis. Bermainlah bersama pasangan anda ! Banyak juga fitur-fitur menarik lainnya di dalam Audition AyoDance.
Cheat Audition Ayodance 30 Maret 2011
1. Disable Hackshield Dengan Regedit
2. Nyalakan cheat engine 6.0 ( Cari di Google Banyak )
3. Setting Automaticly Attach Ke Audition.exe
4. Suspend Audition.exe pas baru keluar iconnya di taskbar
5. Tinggal Scan
Cara Scan :
- Hack Number Of Chance
SCAN AOB : 00 01 01 00 01 01 00 00 00
terus browse this memory region
lalu cari address yang valuenya 03 lalu tambahkan ke cheat table
(03 tsb adalah jumlah chance)
- Force Insane
Setelah Menemukan Address Number of chance lalu kurangi dengan 1F2
- Force Map To Club MG
Address Number Of Chance dikurangi dengan 20A
- Hack Skin
Address Number OF Chance ditambah dengan 23EE0
(Value Skin : 0 = Normal; 1 = Putih; 2 = Hitam)
6. Tinggal Jadikan Trainer
NB :
- Hanya Mempersimple saja tutorialnya dengan memanfaatkan address yang ada
- Kalo lo bilang gak berguna karena gak ad ss ya thats up to you mau d coba ap gg
- Ini hanya work di patch bulan ini saja
- Udah Gw Tes Work di beberapa komputer Kalo yang gak work mungkin ada yang salah kali
Semoga bermanfaat Cheat Audition Ayodance 30 Maret 2011. Bila ada masalah dengan cheat ini, atau meminta pake cheat password ataupun tidak jalan maafkan saja yah hehe. Mungkin game nya sudah update jadi cheatnya tidak berfungsi lagi. Semoga sukses dan masih bisa bekerja cheatnya. Untuk updetan Cheat Ayodance lewat facebook silahkan klik tanda suka/like di sisi kanan blog terimakasih.
Cheat Audition Ayodance 30 Maret 2011
1. Disable Hackshield Dengan Regedit
2. Nyalakan cheat engine 6.0 ( Cari di Google Banyak )
3. Setting Automaticly Attach Ke Audition.exe
4. Suspend Audition.exe pas baru keluar iconnya di taskbar
5. Tinggal Scan
Cara Scan :
- Hack Number Of Chance
SCAN AOB : 00 01 01 00 01 01 00 00 00
terus browse this memory region
lalu cari address yang valuenya 03 lalu tambahkan ke cheat table
(03 tsb adalah jumlah chance)
- Force Insane
Setelah Menemukan Address Number of chance lalu kurangi dengan 1F2
- Force Map To Club MG
Address Number Of Chance dikurangi dengan 20A
- Hack Skin
Address Number OF Chance ditambah dengan 23EE0
(Value Skin : 0 = Normal; 1 = Putih; 2 = Hitam)
6. Tinggal Jadikan Trainer
NB :
- Hanya Mempersimple saja tutorialnya dengan memanfaatkan address yang ada
- Kalo lo bilang gak berguna karena gak ad ss ya thats up to you mau d coba ap gg
- Ini hanya work di patch bulan ini saja
- Udah Gw Tes Work di beberapa komputer Kalo yang gak work mungkin ada yang salah kali
Semoga bermanfaat Cheat Audition Ayodance 30 Maret 2011. Bila ada masalah dengan cheat ini, atau meminta pake cheat password ataupun tidak jalan maafkan saja yah hehe. Mungkin game nya sudah update jadi cheatnya tidak berfungsi lagi. Semoga sukses dan masih bisa bekerja cheatnya. Untuk updetan Cheat Ayodance lewat facebook silahkan klik tanda suka/like di sisi kanan blog terimakasih.
Cara Membuka Situs Yang Diblokir Nawala | 3 | Aha | Telkom | Indosat
Kali ini Saya akan share tentang Cara Membuka Situs Yang Diblokir Nawala | 3 | Aha | Telkom | Indosat cara ini bukan dimaksudkan untuk membuka situs/website porno. Semoga saja cara ini bisa bermanfaat bagi kalian semuanya yang lagi mencarinya. Langsung saja ikuti langkah-langkah sebagai berikut :
1. Gunakan web browser opera terbaru Anda cukup menginstall opera terbaru, dan gunakan web browser opera tersebut untuk membuka situs-situs yang diblokir. Jangan lupa aktifkan / enable-kan opera turbo nya.
2. Gunakan web proxy yang tidak diblokir Berikut daftar web proxy yang tidak diblokir :
- http://z-prox.appspot.com/
- http://masokis-proxy.appspot.com/
- http://softslip.appspot.com/
- http://anonymouse.org
- http://proxybrowsing.com
- http://w3privacy.com
- http://ninjacloak.com
- http://the-cloak.com
- http://shadowsurf.com
- http://proxify.com dll
3. Ganti DNS PC anda
Untuk cara ganti dns, sudah krisna sediakan ebook pdf. Silahkan download
- Tutorial Ganti DNS : Klik Disini - Tutorial Ganti DNS (2) : Klik Disini
Dari ketiga cara diatas, coba anda praktekkan satu per satu dulu.
Semoga artikel tentang Cara Membuka Situs Yang Diblokir ini bisa digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya dan tidak melanggar aturan yang sudah ditentukan. Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses bagi anda semua yang ingin mencobanya.
1. Gunakan web browser opera terbaru Anda cukup menginstall opera terbaru, dan gunakan web browser opera tersebut untuk membuka situs-situs yang diblokir. Jangan lupa aktifkan / enable-kan opera turbo nya.
2. Gunakan web proxy yang tidak diblokir Berikut daftar web proxy yang tidak diblokir :
- http://z-prox.appspot.com/
- http://masokis-proxy.appspot.com/
- http://softslip.appspot.com/
- http://anonymouse.org
- http://proxybrowsing.com
- http://w3privacy.com
- http://ninjacloak.com
- http://the-cloak.com
- http://shadowsurf.com
- http://proxify.com dll
3. Ganti DNS PC anda
Untuk cara ganti dns, sudah krisna sediakan ebook pdf. Silahkan download
- Tutorial Ganti DNS : Klik Disini - Tutorial Ganti DNS (2) : Klik Disini
Dari ketiga cara diatas, coba anda praktekkan satu per satu dulu.
Semoga artikel tentang Cara Membuka Situs Yang Diblokir ini bisa digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya dan tidak melanggar aturan yang sudah ditentukan. Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses bagi anda semua yang ingin mencobanya.
Rabu, 09 Maret 2011
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Product Key Windows 7 Ultimate, memang sudah tersedia di tahun 2010 lalu, ini merupakan update an serial number win 7 ultimate terbaru 2011 buat menghilangkan genuine windows 7 ultimate anda. Jika Anda kebetulan menjadi pengembang perangkat lunak, sekarang kesempatan Anda untuk menguji perangkat lunak anda untuk kompatibilitas ketika Windows 7 menghantam pasar. Mungkin Anda memiliki desktop cadangan tergeletak di sekitar, ini bisa menjadi kesempatan untuk mainan main dengan OS berikutnya.
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Tiger Woods 12 preview: Caddyshack
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters doesn't just add the titular tournament of masters -- for the first time, caddies will feature in EA Sports' golf sim. The club-toting sidekicks have been introduced in an effort to make the game more accessible to players that don't know much about real golf (let alone the great luxury of a personal sidekick).
At a press event, EA Sports designer Daniel Castorani said the new caddy mechanic is only part of a bigger overhaul to the game's AI, which he admitted has been a bit wonky and unpredictable in the past. He explained that caddy isn't an all-knowing intelligence, but rather this supporting character "learns" over time how to make the best recommendations for each shot, supposedly taking into account the courses that the player's played and the player's performances on those courses. Unfortunately, I was unable to test this out, since I only played a few holes of the Augusta course during a short preview session.
"We saw through play-testing and focus-testing that there were people who were coming into our game -- they were excited to play -- but they just didn't know what to do," Castorani recounted. The issue actually affected two kinds of would-be players, Castorani explained: not only the non-golfing gamers, but the non-gaming golfers. "We're unique because we get a lot of people who don't typically play games, but they want to play golf, and so we get people who don't understand the controls. So we took a step back, looked at our game and said, 'You know, sports games are generally complicated, but our game is really complicated.'"
It's true. Golf games are among the most exclusive of sports sims -- if you're not well-versed in shot placement or "bad lies" (and I'm not talking about knocking a couple strokes off your score), it can be tough to enjoy them. Likewise, if you've been known to tee off at the driving range now and again, the transition to a gamepad (or even a motion controller) can be awkward. With the new caddy system, EA hopes to appease both rookie golfers and newbie gamers.
It works like this: Before you take your first swing, the caddy will offer a few different shot suggestions for getting your ball to the green and into the hole, each color-coded to correspond with a perceived difficulty. If the fairway doglegs left, for example, then the caddy will set up an appropriate shot with the right amount of draw (a shot that gently curves from right-to-left for a right-handed golfer). Of course, players can skip the caddy's advice and choose the custom shot option, setting up their own route to the hole.
Having played plenty of golf games before, I found there was some getting used to the caddy system. Once you select one of the caddy's recommendations, you can't alter that shot plan -- if you want to change anything, you have to back out to the recommendation options. (Protip: Longtime Tiger players will probably want to stick with the custom shot option, which is how you map out your fine-tuned shot path the old-fashioned way). Once I got used to the new shot selection mechanic, however, I couldn't believe it hadn't been a component of the series all along. It's a simple and effective way to remove the barrier for non-golfing gamers, as well as non-gaming golfers -- once you've selected a shot, you've got one button to worry about: just swing!
The only drawback to the caddy system I noticed was in its lack of actually tutoring the player. The system doesn't seem to share with you any insight into how it determines its shot calibrations, so it's not going to necessarily make you a more knowledgeable golfer -- on or off the couch. The character will simply offer a few lines of basic dialog as you set up to take the shot.
For me -- a person who's enjoyed not only the Tiger series, but also the Hot Shots games, and at least once a week says a prayer, asking, "Let there be another Links game, oh powers that be!" -- the new caddy feature is somewhat of a lost function. But its value to both non-golfers and non-gamers is really apparent. The caddy will help anyone overcome golf's steep learning curve and enjoy Tiger 12, for sure -- just don't expect that success to translate to the real world. You won't always have a caddy by your side, after all.
David Hinkle
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D - some of your old friends are back.
Arcade-style undead/zombie/parasite-infested slaying is back for Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D, and the game plays as good as it looks. Nintendo and Capcom had Mercenaries 3D available for hands-on at GDC 2011, and playing it proved that next-gen console action can work on the small screen.
The demo build has Chris, Jill, Jack Krauser and Hunk available to play, and two maps: “Public Assembly” (Resident Evil 5) and “Village” (Resident Evil 4). I chose Hunk (a personal favorite) and tossed him into Public Assembly. Hunk comes equipped with a pistol, AK-47, grenade launcher, Flash Grenade, ammo and First Aid Spray, making him a very formidable target for enemies.
For anybody who played ‘The Mercenaries’ mode in Resident Evil 4 or Resident Evil 5, it remains the same: rack up as high a score as possible within the time limit by killing enemies. A simple premise, but incredibly effective. A trailer and gameplay footage were released before, but actually playing the game here at GDC is a whole other matter.
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D (in 3D) looks appealing and does not feel gimmicky — Hunk and the enemies have more of a depth to them, and the controls are easy to familiarize yourself with. Holding the Right Trigger brings you into the first person view for targeting, and pressing A shoots your weapon. The inventory is available on the bottom screen, which can be tapped to change weapons quickly. At first, the feature felt a bit awkward, but after a few minutes of playing, I got the hang of it and was able to switch my weapons effectively according to the situation.
For anyone who was worried about whether or not the first person controls for a handheld Resident Evil would work, they do. Aiming with the circle pad isn’t cumbersome in any way at all, even for players who are normally accustomed to moving the reticule with their right thumb. I had no problems shooting enemies in the head and rocking them with Hunk’s punch. If that wasn’t enough, I could run to the downed enemy and shoot them three times for a prone-kill. These actions are performed with the X button, which will be the context sensitive/action button. Reloading is done by holding the Right Trigger and pressing B.
A notable gameplay change from previous versions of The Mercenaries is that when your character is grabbed by an enemy, rather than shake/rotate the circle pad, a Quick Time Event-like prompt appears and you press the corresponding button to escape. It can be imagined that this decision was made to avoid causing a lot of stress to the 3DS’s circle pad. It’s a change that works, and it is just as effective as wiggling the joystick to free yourself.
Graphically, The Mercenaries 3D looks surprisingly good, even better in person than shown in the most recent screens and trailer. There’s very little graphical tear and I saw very few, if any, bugs at all. The gameplay is very suitable for a pick-up-and-play medium, as maps can be played and beaten within minutes, and constantly trying to improve your score or get better at zombie killing is always a good motivator to play the game once more.
With good controls, excellent graphics, and incredibly fun gameplay, The Mercenaries 3D is sure to be one of the games that will spend a lot of time in the 3DS.
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D will be coming to the Nintendo 3DS on July 6, 2011.
Trung Bui
Tomb Raider Trilogy Dated, Exclusive To PlayStation 3
The PlayStation Blog recently announced the exclusive release of the remastered Tomb Raider Trilogy on PlayStation 3. Get ready to live or relive Lara Croft’s adventures in Anniversary, Legend, and Underworld this March 22.
Nostalgia’s been in the air, with all the talk on Game Rant about Lara’s reboot since Square Enix’s announcement last December, followed by Game Rant‘s covering the game in action. Now gamers will have a chance to play the three most recent retail releases at a price lower than Underworld’s MSRP itself: $39.99. While the going rate for PS2-only revives such as the Sly Collection and God of War Collection retailed at $39.99, the inclusion of current generation games seems to make this a steal even Ms. Croft could be proud of.
Lara’s most recent excursion was actually a digital-only release. Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light hit XBLA August 18, 2010 as a timed exclusive, and Game Rant reviewed it with high marks. The game was starkly different than previous Tomb Raider entries, but its co-operative, dungeon crawling play seemed very fitting for Lara’s world. Platforming and puzzle solving elements helped the game retain its familiar brand; trophies, hidden items, time trials, and high scores forced gamers back to leaderboards constantly to race to the top.
Lara herself has often been considered a prize catch. Some gamers may fear that the reboot of Lara Croft will force her to shed some of her appeal (read: bustier proportions). While the dimensions of Lara undoubtedly must change for an earlier story arc, gamers get the full monty that is the adult Croft in this trilogy. For those that need even more Lara in their lives, Tomb Raider Trilogy includes an exclusive static theme pack, Lara Croft and Viking Thrall avatars, and behind the scenes looks at all three titles.
My question to fellow gamers is this: what do you think all these collections from only a few years ago say about games or the market today? While these remakes ride the success of their namesakes, is this a testament of a stale current generation?
Aside from making a quick buck, I thought HD remakes served a different purpose. I purchased The Sly Collection and plan on purchasing Beyond Good & Evil HD to make publishers aware that these are awesome games that deserve more love. An HD Trilogy of a game series that has current generation console releases is hardly in the same boat. Will you be purchasing this trilogy?
The Tomb Raider Trilogy releases exclusively for the PlayStation 3 March 22, 2011.
John Polson
Selasa, 08 Maret 2011
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Yakuza 4 Preview
The Yakuza series has always been a cult class in the US. The Yakuza games are very big in Japan, and the 5th entry in the Yakuza franchise is currently on the way. Unfortunately due to some poor advertising by Sega of America the Yakuza games aren't that popular and the US nearly didn't receive Yakuza 3 at all. It wasn't until fans complained and nagged Sega that they finally brought over Yakuza 3 to the US, although it was a year or two after it had released in Japan and Sega actually removed a few features such as a Japanese trivia game and Japanese hostess bars. Thanks to Yakuza 3 being a mild success in North America Sega is bringing Yakuza 4 to the US in March, and the hostess bar will be in tact this time.
Yakuza 4 is a 3rd person beat-em-up RPG set in an open world. Sound different? That's because there's not many other games on the market like it. You go running around the streets of Japan looking for mission objectives, and those mission objectives usually involve you fighting a group of enemies in hand-to-hand or weapon-to-weapon combat. Once you complete the mission you have the ability to level up your character and improve their stats. When you're not selecting missions you are free to run around the city and do a variety of things, including Karaoke, visiting arcades, and playing baseball.
Yakuza 4 has always been a story-heavy series. While Yakuza 1 received a full American voiceover all of the subsequent games have retained their Japanese voice acting and had merely English subtitles. Yakuza 4 follows the same trend as the last two games in only having English subtitles, with no other option than Japanese voice-overs. In this writer's opinion reading the subtitles is something that you become used to, although I can definitely understand those who get frustrated reading all of the text just to understand what's going on. Considering the majority of Americans don't speak Japanese Sega should really consider bringing back voice-over translations for the Yakuza franchise. Maybe give people an option to switch between Japanese and English voice-actors.
One thing different to Yakuza 4 is that you will play 4 different characters in this Yakuza game, as opposed to the standard one. The main protagonist of the series Kaz is still playable, but you'll also get to try out three additional characters including a loan shark, an escaped convict, and a cop. Each character has a slightly different fighting style with different moves and combos to break up some of the repetitiveness of the previous games. All 4 of these characters can pick-up and use weapons, and all 4 characters can be leveled up individually.
One thing that Yakuza has always gotten right is the ability to make player's feel as if they're really beating the crap out of somebody. The game controls like a mixture between a 3-d fighting game and an old beat-em-up like Streets of Rage. Yakuza implements a combo system that is simple enough to pick-up and play yet deep enough for veteran games to sit down and master. The camera will slow down and zoom in on brutal shots making the player feel as if they're really inflicting some serious damage. Yakuza also features special moves which are flashy and fun as well as finishing moves to provide a satisfying conclusion to your fight. Weapons can also be used during fights. Weapons can either be picked up from the environment or if you're already holding the weapons you can select them at any time during the fight by using the d-pads. There's a strong variety of weapons to choose from including nunchucks, spears, and katanas.
One thing that has always bothered me during my playtime in the Yakuza games is the use of random battles. While roaming the streets searching for missions or just strolling the streets seeing what the game has to offer you will be approached by enemies who want to fight. These fighters aren't very hard and don't level up your character as much as you'd like. Considering the game has been out in Japan for almost a year now it's hard to imagine this is something that will be changed for the final US release.
With that said Yakuza 4 is still a very fun and very unique game. The graphics have received a major upgrade since the last title, and the addition of 3 new characters to play as instead of just Kaz is more than welcomed. English voice-overs would have been nice, but if you can get past that detail Yakuza 4 is still an enjoyable game. Look for Yakuza 4 to hit the PlayStation 3 in the US on March 15. The demo currently on the PlayStation Network allows you to test out all 4 characters in arena style fights against multiple opponents.
James Lewis
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